Table of Contents

RouterStation Pro


Build image

Prepare external rootfs (SD card or USB disk)

/dev/sdb1 - DEBWRT_ROOT - Linux - ext3 - Rest of available size
/dev/sdb2 - DEBWRT_SWAP - Linux Swap - 128MB
mkfs.ext3 -L DEBWRT_ROOT /dev/sdb1
tune2fs -c 0 -i 0 /dev/sdb1
mkswap /dev/sdb2

Copy rootfs on your SD card or USB disk

Flash firmware (kernel)

Kernel upgrade

Using “make openwrt/kernel_menuconfig” you can tune your kernel configuration, after your customization you can compile running “make” (NOTE: if you don't have an older enviroment you must follow the instruction to build a DebWRT image)
To use the newer kernel you must unpack bin/ar71xx-*-*-default/debwrt-modules-ar71xx-generic_UBNTRSPRO-*-*.tar.gz in /media/DEBWRT_ROOT/ (assuming that you have mounted DebWRT rootfs on /media/DEBWRT_ROOT/) and follow the instruction to flash DebWRT kernel


Build image

Flash firmware

$ tftp
tftp> binary
tftp> put openwrt-...-factory.bin

Re-enable LAN ports

swconfig dev eth1 set reset 1
swconfig dev eth1 set enable_vlan 1
swconfig dev eth1 vlan 0 set ports '0 1 2 3 4'
swconfig dev eth1 set apply 1

Install wireless cards

Operating system